Bruneton, J-P, Larena, Julien. Observables in a lattice Universe : the cosmological fitting problem. 2013.
Hits: 700
Visitors: 980
Downloads: 283
Bruneton, J-P, Larena, Julien. Dynamics of a lattice Universe : the dust approximation in cosmology. 2012.
Hits: 552
Visitors: 644
Downloads: 97
Clarkson, C, Ellis, G, Larena, Julien, Umeh, O. Does the growth of structure affect our dynamical models of the Universe? The averaging, backreaction, and fitting problems in cosmology. 2011.
Hits: 1340
Visitors: 1583
Downloads: 258
Larena, Julien. The fitting problem in a lattice Universe. 2012.