Siebörger, Ian, Adendorff, Ralph D. Can contracts be both plain and precise?. 2012.
Hits: 1179
Visitors: 1330
Downloads: 172
Siebörger, Ian, Adendorff, Ralph D. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics (SPiL); 2022. “Eye on the big prize!”: Iconizing the Democratic Alliance in the Daily Sun.
Hits: 460
Visitors: 508
Downloads: 58
Siebörger, Ian, Adendorff, Ralph D. John Benjamins Publishing Company; 2017. We’re talking about semantics here: Axiological condensation in the South African parliament.
Hits: 392
Visitors: 406
Downloads: 44
Siebörger, Ian, Adendorff, Ralph D. Taylor and Francis Online; 2022. Constellations, technicality, iconisation and Eskom: A case from South Africa’s Business Day.
Hits: 340
Visitors: 379
Downloads: 48
Siebörger, Ian, Adendorff, Ralph D. Taylor and Francis Online; 2015. Resemiotising concerns from constituencies in the South African parliament.
Hits: 267
Visitors: 294
Downloads: 41
Siebörger, Ian, Adendorff, Ralph D. De Gruyter; 2023. Development of a translation device for axiological-semantic density in political news articles: Wording and charging.
Hits: 654
Visitors: 714
Downloads: 72
Siebörger, Ian, Adendorff, Ralph D. Newspaper literacy and communication for democracy: is there a crisis in South African journalism?. 2010.
Hits: 637
Visitors: 1031
Downloads: 413
Siebörger, Ian, Van der Merwe, Kristin, Adendorff, Ralph D. Informed Interdependence: A model for collaboration in fostering communicative competencies in a Commerce curriculum. 2015.
Hits: 680
Visitors: 808
Downloads: 144
Smith, Jade, Adendorff, Ralph D. Re-thinking engagement: Dialogic strategies of alignment in letters to two South African newspapers. 2014.
Hits: 639
Visitors: 812
Downloads: 184
Siebörger, Ian, Adendorff, Ralph D. John Benjamins Publishing Company; UK ed. edition; 2015. Black-boxing and the politics of parliamentary oversight in South Africa.
Hits: 339
Visitors: 352
Downloads: 25
Smith, Jade, Adendorff, Ralph D. Newspapers as ‘community members’: Editorial responses to the death of Eugene Terre'Blanche. 2013.
Hits: 783
Visitors: 952
Downloads: 180
Mpofu, Lindiwe, Adendorff, Ralph D. An APPRAISAL analysis of the discourse of student assistants' reports at an Eastern Cape girls' boarding school. 2012.
Hits: 1252
Visitors: 1402
Downloads: 167
Van der Merwe, Kristin, Adendorff, Ralph D. Comprehension and production of figurative language by Afrikaans-speaking children with and without specific language impairment. 2012.
Hits: 873
Visitors: 1548
Downloads: 739
Marshall, Christine, Adendorff, Ralph D, De Klerk, Vivian A. The role of APPRAISAL in the NRF rating system: an analysis of Judgement and appreciation in peer reviewers' reports. 2010.
Hits: 23
Visitors: 32
Downloads: 8
Parkinson, Jean, Adendorff, Ralph D. Variable discursive constructions of three genres of science. 2005.
Hits: 19
Visitors: 25
Downloads: 5
Beangstrom, Tracy, Adendorff, Ralph D. An APPRAISAL analysis of the language of real estate advertisements. 2013.
Hits: 13
Visitors: 20
Downloads: 6
Adendorff, Ralph D, De Klerk, Vivian A, De Vos, Mark A, Hunt, Sally, Simango, Silvester R, Todd, Louise, Niesler, Thomas. Educated mother-tongue South African English: A corpus approach. 2008.
Hits: 4833
Visitors: 4953
Downloads: 218
Siebörger, Ian, Adendorff, Ralph D. Constellations, technicality, iconisation and Eskom: A case from South Africa’s Business Day. 2022.